WP6B - Warm Powering

WP6B - Warm Powering

WP Leader: Michele Martino

Main WP Engineers: Miguel Cerqueira Bastos, Christophe Coupat, Ludovic Germain-Bonne, Vicente Herrero Gonzalez, Quentin King, Nicolas Kuczerowski, Serge Pittet, Hugues Thiesen, Yves Thurel, Benjamin Todd, Samer Yammine

Technologies: Electrical equipment, electronics and instrumentation for accelerators

Main materials:

Key external factors: Radiation


WP6b in a nutshell (Please note that info provided in this document is subject to be changed. Mentioned quantities, materials, parameters, etc. may change along the design and/or manufacturing process of the equipment)

WP6b Main Activities

Next 18 months procurement needs (link is external)(link is external) (Access restricted to ILOs)



