WP Leader: Chiara Branco
Main WP Engineers: Oliver Aberle, Vincent Baglin, Giuseppe Bregliozzi, Mike Barnes, Jan Borburgh, Marco Calviani, Etienne Carlier, Laurent Ducimetiere, Anton Lechner, Antonio Perillo Marcone, Herve Prin, Christos Zamantzas
Technologies: High precision Assembling and manufacturing technologies, Raw Materials, Others, Electrical Equipment, electronics and instrumentation for accelerators
Main Materials: Carbon-Carbon Composites, Copper alloy (GLIDCOP), Ferrites (CMD10), Graphite (SIGRAFINE® R4550), Stainless Steel 316LN
Key external factors: Radiation
WP14 in a nutshell (Please note that info provided in this document is subject to be changed. Mentioned quantities, materials, parameters, etc. may change along the design and/or manufacturing process of the equipment)
Next 18 months procurements needs(link is external) (Access restricted to ILOs)