WP Leader: Rama Calaga
Main WP Engineers: Andy Butterworth, Philippe Baudrenghien, Ofelia Capatina, Wolfgang Hofle, Eric Montesinos, Frank Gerigk, Kurt Artoos, Marco Garlasche, Raphael Luexe, Pierre Minginette, Teddy Capelli, Nuria Valverde Alonso, Giovanna Vandoni, Krzysztof Brodzinski, Chiara Pasquino, Serge Claudet, Vincent Baglin, Luca Dassa, Katarzyna Turaj, Mathieu Therasse, Sebastien Calvo, Antoine Boucherie, Gino Ciopalla, Charles Julie
Technologies: Cryostats and subcomponents for cryogenic equipment, High precision assembling and manufacturing technologies, Raw materials, Electrical equipment, electronics and instrumentation for accelerators
Main materials: Ceramics, Cooper, Niobium, Nb-Ti, Stainless Steel 316LN, Titanium
Key external factors: 2K, Radiation
WP4 in a nutshell (Please note that info provided in this document is subject to be changed. Mentioned quantities, materials, parameters, etc. may change along the design and/or manufacturing process of the equipment)
Next 18 months procurement needs(link is external) (Access restricted to ILOs)